CTcon: Working capital management

Re­du­ce ca­pi­tal com­mit­ment in the long term


Managing liquidity and tied-up capital is particularly important in times of rising interest rates. Liquidity management optimisation serves three important purposes:

  • It provides greater financial leeway
  • It improves value-oriented performance indicators
  • It increases enterprise value

Current developments on the financial markets and supply chain interruptions caused by wars or the COVID-19 crisis have led to disruptive changes and a reassessment of risks in many organisations. In times of crisis cash is king, which is why professional liquidity management is essential for effective cash steering and optimisation.

Working capital management (WCM) is an important factor in liquidity management. There are many ways to improve working capital, such as receivables management, as well as the optimisation of inventories, stock turnover and payment terms. The improvements are implemented in cross-functional processes such as O2C, F2F and P2P. To reduce capital commitment, we focus on optimising and harmonising processes between stakeholders. That’s why we make WCM an element of performance management.


Here's how to make WCM work:

1. Create transparency
  • Use benchmarking to recognise and clarify action requirements
  • Identify scope for improvement and estimate initial cash potential 
  • Analyse and assess WCM processes
2. Optimise working capital
  • Analyse inventories, customers and suppliers
  • Understand the business model and its impacts
  • Take steps to optimise the cash-to-cash cycle
3. Weave change and sustainability into the organisation’s fabric
  • Generate awareness for working capital
  • Make WCM permanent by integrating it into performance management
  • Support transformation and change with training and coaching

Our offering

We can significantly reduce your net working capital. Our projects are associated with potential savings of between 20% and more than 40%. We make these results permanent with value-based management and a cash culture. We help our clients to identify and implement the right measures to improve their working capital.


Your consultants

Dr. Jens Jannasch (Principal, Düsseldorf)
Dr. Jens Jannasch
Principal | Düsseldorf | Germany
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